Sea Freight

Sea Freight

Maritime Freight Transport Solutions and Services

  • FCL – Full Container Load with Worldwide Coverage
  • LCL – Less than Container Load (Groupage Service) with Global Coverage
  • Special Transportation (Reefer, Flexitank, Bulk, etc.)
  • Tracking – Detailed path information
  • Cross-Trade
  • Customs Clearance
  • Transportation Insurance
  • Intermodal Transportation
  • Door-to-door Turnkey Transportation

The Sea Freight Service is the one with the best price/volume ratio and is the most suitable for the transport of heavy loads or large dimensions.

WLP – WorldWide Logistics Portugal – has extensive experience in offering solutions and services for the transport of goods by sea.

Working with the world’s largest ocean freight companies, we design with the available options, the solutions that best meet the needs of our customers with the different options available.

Whether you are looking for full container services, groupage or special transport services (Large-Scale Cargo, Refrigerated Container, Liquid Transport, etc.) WLP presents you with the most appropriate solutions, taking into account factors as time, price or security.

We deal with all administrative matters, customs formalities, transport insurance, etc., so that you do not have to worry about anything.

We also offer our customers a tracking service informing them regularly of the different points in the course of transport of their goods.

We combine the use of the sea and terrestrial means, or, air, in order to offer our clients solutions of intermodal or multimodal transport of goods.


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