
04/07/2024 / by WLP


ANNOUNCEMENT: Today, information appeared in the news about non-home searches of companies associated with José Sócrates’ former advisor, Luís Bernardo, including World Level Partners, which is being identified as “WLP”. We clarify that our company...

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20/05/2024 / by WLP

WLP distinguished with the “Healthy Workplaces Award”.

WLP distinguished with the “Healthy Workplaces Award”. The awarding of this award aims to “distinguish companies that have effectively demonstrated a strong commitment to preventing psychosocial risks and promoting healthy workplaces and occupational...

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10/05/2024 / by WLP

May 10, 2024 marks the 31st Anniversary of WLP

On May 10, 1993, WLP was born, the result of the boldness and ambition of its founders. What distinguished us at the time continues to be our guiding principle today: we listen to the voice of our Customers, so that we are not mere suppliers but true...

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