
22/12/2023 / by WLP

WLP distinguished with the SME Leader (PME Líder) 2023 Status.

It is with great pride that we inform you that WLP received the distinction of SME Leader (PME Líder) 2023. The SME Leader (PME Líder) status is a reputation seal created by IAPMEI, in partnership with Turismo de Portugal, Banks and Mutual Guarantee...

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15/11/2023 / by WLP

WLP present at the JAS Worldwide Meeting

WLP present at the JAS Worldwide Meeting. WLP, represented by Tiago Cardoso, Ângela Alves, Joana Cardoso and Filipa Gomes, is present at the JAS Worldwide Meeting, which takes place between the 13th and 17th of November in Dubai. During the 5 days of the...

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27/10/2023 / by WLP

WLP is one of the Top 5% best SMEs in Portugal

WLP is one of the Top 5% best SMEs in Portugal WLP was distinguished by Scoring, the entity responsible for carrying out this ranking, with the certification “Top 5% Best SMEs in Portugal”, in the 2023 edition. This certification derives from...

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